Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Updates Galore!

What’s up, my friends?  Time to check in once again with our various One Cell artists.

First up: M. Takara.  We first want to clarify that his EP “Cocada” is being released by One Cell Records, with a vinyl version being released by Desmonta.  Only 2 weeks to go until it’s released!  Those of you who will be lucky enough to attend the SXSW festival in March can check M. Takara out on the 17th.

Don’t forget, Burro Morto’s concept album “Baptista Virou Máquina” should be coming out March as well.  Check out video teaser #3:

The City Beat event (hosted by One Cell Records) will be coming to L.A. April 8th.  Rumor has it that DJ’s Crash Overdrive and Disruption will be performing.  Both are from the B.E.A.R. (Briefcase Rockers) label.  If you haven’t heard their music yet, Crash Overdrive echoes influences from Daft Punk, while Disruption is a bit more dark and urban.

The City Beat party should be coming to São Paulo and Porto Allegre in May with the help of our own Rossano Snel’s efforts.  Stay tuned to One Cell for all the up-to-date details!

While we speak of our love for Rossano, why not click over to 4shared.com  to listen to a new track from Rossano Snel called “Abstract”.  It’s really good and you should check it out!  We like to consider it a hip-hop samba.

Kiko Dinucci’s new album is getting a lot of attention (of course)!  Check out Folha’s feature of Kiko and this review by the Brazilian branch of Vice Magazine.

...and one more thing  If you're in the Los Angeles area, Go West Young Man has a show tonight at the Echo in Los Angeles.for Buzz Bands LA.  Catch it if you can!  Details are here.

That’s it for now, but keep it here for the latest updates on your favorite bands.  Is there any One Cell band or artist that we've missed?  Leave a comment and let us know who you want to hear about!

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